Application Costs
Application Fee - $35.00 per applicant
Holding Deposit - $800-$1,000
Your Holding Deposit automatically becomes your Security Deposit which is held during the terms of the Rental Agreement.
Can hold a specific unit for up to 30 days.
All costs are payable by Cashier's Check or Money Order ONLY! No cash or credit card accepted.
All applicants must be of legal age or legally emancipated. All parties 18 years of age or older are required to complete an application.
All applicants are required to show a valid driver's license or government-issued photo I.D.
Credit History
Accepted - Credit Score: 674-1000
Accepted w/Conditions - Credit Score: 544-673
Denied - Credit Score: 0-543
Applicants with no credit history may be required to submit an additional security deposit or secure a financial guarantor/cosigner.
Income Verification
Verification of income in the amount equal to two and half times the monthly rent per household will be required by one or more of the following:
Records of 2 consecutive recurring deposits issued within the past 30 days.
6 months of bank statements showing recurring pay deposits.
Any other written verification of legal income.
Income Tax Return
Letter from employer on company letterhead verifying income and employment.